প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি(বিষয় : ইংরেজি)

| The word `magnificent’ means-

K) splendid L) resourceful

M) thoughtful N) graceful

2| What is the synonym of optimist?

K) passimist L) chance

M) dispair N) hopeful

3| What is the adjective of the word `Tex’?

K) Taxable L) Texation

M) Taxability N) Taxing

4| I shall be––– home all evening.

K) within L) in

M) at N) out

5| Guy de Maupassant is a famous ––– short story writer.

K) French L) Italion

M) German N) Russian

6| I hope to meet—- in January.

K) sometimes L) sometime

M) somewhat N) something

7| ‘Brick Lane’ is written by –––

K) Monica Ali L) R.K. Narayan

M) Harold Pinter N) Elizabeth Bowen

8| As he acepted the offer–––I had nothing to do.

K) lately L) latest

M) late N) latness

9| The teacher made the children––– the book.

K) read L) to read

M) rading N) reads.

10| The more you practise speaking–––

K) you will do it better L) do it better

M) the better you will do it N) better you will do it

11| He congratulated me –––my success.

K) on L) for

M) upon N) with

12| Though blind of one eye, he is not blind ––– his son’s faults.

K) of L) with

M) to N) into

13| The antonym for `sympathy’ is –––

K) cruelty L) unkindness

M) antipathy N) enmity

14| The river has–––its banks

K) overflown L) overflowed

M) overflew N) overloaded

15| `Red letter day’ means–––

K) holiday L) birthday

M) important and memorable day N) day marked with red letter

16| Many people of our country live––– hand to mouth.

K) on L) with

M) from N) by

17| In no time means–––

K) ahead of time L) very quickly

M) in good times N) timely

18| My birthday is ––– February.

K) in L) on

M) to N) at

19| My frend ––– before I came.

K) had left L) will leave

M) is left N) will leave.

20| The antonym of `punishment’ is –––

K) hope L) reward

M) profit N) raise

21| The maclinery- working will.

K) is L) were

M) are N) should

22| I wish today––– friday.

K) is L) was

M) were N) will be

23| He couldn’t help (write) the letter.

K) writing L) to write

M) wrote N) written

24| Nipa as well as her brothers (come) to me.

K) have come L) are coming

M) was came N) has come

25| It is I who (be) to blame.

K) is L) am

M) are N) were

উত্তর : ১.ক ২.ঘ ৩.ক ৪.গ ৫.ক ৬.খ ৭.ক ৮.গ ৯.ক ১০.গ) ১১.ক ১২.গ ১৩.গ ১৪.খ ১৫.গ ১৬.গ ১৭.খ ১৮.ক ১৯.ক ২০.খ ২১.ক ২২.গ ২৩.ক ২৪.ঘ ২৫.খ

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