PEC, Ebtedayee, JSC, JDC results to be published on Tuesday

Senior Correspondent,Published: 30 Dec 2019
The results of the school certificate examinations for over 5.5 million fifth and eighth graders are set to be released on Tuesday.
The exams the fifth graders took are Primary Education Completion or PEC and Ebtedayee while the eighth graders sat Junior School Certificate or JSC and Junior Dakhil Certificate or JDC.

Education Minister Dipu Moni and State Minister for Primary and Mass Education Zakir Hossain will present copies of the results to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the morning.

Dipu Moni and Deputy Minister of Education Mohibul Hassan Chowdoury Nowfel will highlight different aspects of the JSC and JDC results at a news conference at the Secretariat at 11:30am.

State Minister Zakir will present different facts about the PEC and Ebtedayee results at 1pm.

The results will be published after the news conferences.

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